Is Money Really the Root of all Evil?

Aaron Hill is a third year student at the University of Dayton School of Law, externing at Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues.

moneyroot.jpgHave you discussed with your significant other how the household finances will be managed? This is an often overlooked question that newlyweds fail to discuss. Among other reasons, “money problems” are cited as one of the leading reasons for divorce. It is, therefore, paramount for couples to share a similar outlook on money matters before they get married.

Communication and Compromise are the Key

Communication and compromise are the keys to any successful relationship. Couples who discuss what their financial goals and responsibilities are before they get married are starting their marriage on the right foot. It is crucial for the couples to sit down and communicate both long and short term goals. Short term goals include who is going to be responsible for paying the bills, handling the investments, or whether to establish joint banking accounts. Long term goals can include having children and how many, when to retire, and what kind of lifestyle to lead. When couples communicate these long and short term goals, their relationship is much more likely to succeed. When couples do not … Read More... “Is Money Really the Root of all Evil?”

Antenuptial Agreements, An Effective Estate Planning Tool

Antenuptial agreements, also often referred to as prenuptial agreements, are sometimes derided as taking the romance out of marriage and transforming the event and institution into a business arrangement. Some claim that the use of an antenuptial agreement is an acknowledgement that a marriage is likely to fail. However, an antenuptial agreement addresses not only the possibility of divorce, but also the distribution of premarital assets upon the death of one of the spouses. These agreements can be an excellent tool when there is a significant difference in the ages of the parties or in their respective wealth. In situations in which one or both of the parties has/have previously been married and want(s) to preserve assets for his or her children upon death, an antenuptial agreement may be an essential component of a sound estate plan.

There are several basic elements of a valid antenuptial agreement. The agreement must be entered into in writing and signed by both parties in contemplation of an upcoming marriage. Both participants must be competent and must freely and voluntarily enter into the agreement without coercion or duress by the other party or anyone else. Both parties must be fully aware of all the … Read More... “Antenuptial Agreements, An Effective Estate Planning Tool”

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