April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month – Help Strengthen Families and Prevent Child Abuse

child abuse prevention child welfare

Help Promote Child Abuse Prevention with these Programs and Activities

child abuse prevention child welfareApril is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This month and throughout the year, Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues, encourages all individuals and organizations to play a role in making the Dayton, Ohio community a better place for children and families. There are many ways that each of us can help!

We all need to help promote the social and emotional well-being of children and youth and prevent child maltreatment within families and communities. Protective factors are the strengths and resources families draw on during difficult times to shield them from life’s stresses. Research shows that when parents possess protective factors, the risk for neglect and abuse diminish and optimal outcomes for children, youth, and families are promoted. It is important that parents have the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to care for their children. Major protective factors include knowledge of parenting, knowledge of child development, parental resilience, social connections, and concrete supports.

In support of these efforts, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau, Office on Child Abuse and Neglect, together with Child Welfare Information Gateway, and the FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based … Read More... “April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month – Help Strengthen Families and Prevent Child Abuse”

Parenting Time Calculator

A Helpful Parenting Time Calculator Tool for Family Law Attorneys

parenting timeAny family law attorney, judge, or child custody expert will tell us that, except in unusual circumstances, during and following a divorce it is desirable for a child to have a strong relationship with both parents. It follows that the less contentious the divorce the better off are the children, the parents, and the department in charge of child support issues. Indeed, custody and support issues can unravel what might otherwise be an amicable divorce. One of the major problems that may arise after divorce is custodial interference with visitation. Many jurisdictions, including Ohio, have held that unreasonable interference with the noncustodial parent’s parental rights can even be grounds for a change of custody.

According to Susan D. Stewart, in her study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family in October, 2010, one third of all children in the United States have a nonresident parent. Child custody is a term that defines the legal relationship between a child and a parent. Generally, there are two types of custody. “Physical custody” determines where the child lives. “Legal custody” describes which parent has the legal right to make important decisions for … Read More... “Parenting Time Calculator”

Grandparenting Styles: Taking the Quiz

Grandparenting Styles: Impressions By a Dayton, Ohio, Divorce Lawyer

Grandparenting Styles in Dayton OhioIt was truly a memorable Christmas. In the past we have usually managed to get the “family” together in Dayton, Ohio. But this year I locked the door of my law office; and my wife and I flew to Dallas to be with our son, daughter-in-law and our first grandchild – Hannah. We were fortunate enough to have been able to travel from Dayton, Ohio, to Texas to be in the hospital when Hannah was born five (5) months or so ago, but we haven’t visited in person since.

I wish we lived closer. Dayton and Dallas are a long way apart. Being proud parents (and now grandparents) we are thankful for all the photos, videos and texts we have received showing Hannah’s growth, almost on a daily basis. Hannah’s Mom and Dad have great jobs and have established a wonderful life there together. They are very happy!

Being a divorce lawyer who likes to be totally prepared, as well as a compulsive researcher, I figured that I needed to update my parenting knowledge base since my two (2) sons are now thirtyish and my baby caring skills are pretty rusty. … Read More... “Grandparenting Styles: Taking the Quiz”

Keep an Emergency Information Card in Your Wallet!

emid.jpgIt is wise to keep an “In Case of Emergency” (ICE) information card in our wallets, purses, and car glove box at all times. An emergency can happen at any time. The leading cause of death for people under the age of 44 in America is emergency trauma. Emergency contact cards can prevent a bad situation from getting worse. An unexpected emergency can shatter the lives of any family at any time. But, by having emergency contact cards, you and your loved ones will be more prepared if a sudden crisis strikes. Give yourself a greatly improved chance to receive appropriate medical care by preparing information in advance that explains your medical needs immediately for first responders.

Without emergency contact information, hospital staff cannot immediately locate family members or access medical information that would be critical to treating the patient. Tragically, some patients die in emergency rooms without any of their family members present. By the time the families are eventually notified, it is often too late. Make sure that all family members including parents, children and grandchildren have an ICE card!

Our law firm has located an excellent In Case of Emergency wallet card generator on the internet. You … Read More... “Keep an Emergency Information Card in Your Wallet!”

AlcohoIism And Chemical Dependency: Special Dilemmas In Family Law Cases

drug_al.jpgAlcoholism is defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary as “the habitual drinking of alcoholic liquor, or as a resulting diseased condition”. It is also defined as a chronic and progressive illness characterized by physiological and psychological dependency upon the ingestion of alcohol; a loss of control over drinking, including when, and in what form, how much, and why; and interference with normal functioning in one or all such areas such as family, work, friendship, and community activity.

Chemical Dependency can be defined as alcoholism is above…..but it is a chronic and progressive illness characterized by a physical and psychological dependency upon the ingestion of legal or illegal mood altering drugs; a loss of control over the ingestion of the drugs, including when, and in what form, how much, and why; and interference with normal functioning in one or all such areas such as family, work, friendship, and community activity.

Are families in domestic relations matters impacted by these diseases?

Absolutely. I practiced mental health/chemical dependency nursing for a number of years before entering law school, so I am very attuned to alcohol/chemical dependency issues. While I have not conducted any research over the past twenty-two (22) years of my legal … Read More... “AlcohoIism And Chemical Dependency: Special Dilemmas In Family Law Cases”

Concerned About How Your Children are Coping? Here is a Valuable Resource!

kidscent.jpgI am constantly scouring the web to find valuable information to post here. I was pleased to recently find an excellent website geared towards children’s issues. Kids’ Turn Central was a new find for me, but probably not for many parents and teachers. Wendy Hogan has cleverly integrated a plethora of diverse material, games and activities that are fun, safe and educational for children, including some cool “clipart”, into the website. She launched Kids’ Turn Central in September of 2001.

The page that I wanted to bring to your attention lists numerous books, child rights organizations, and other resources focused on children of divorce. With Wendy’s permission, below is a sample of its content. It is worth your time to check her website out thoroughly! I’ll bet that you will find material that will be both beneficial and fun, too!

It’s a fact. Every year millions of kids must go through parents divorcing.

If your parents are happily married you probably have at least one friend who has divorced parents.

The resources below are meant to assist both kids going through divorce – and kids who want to help understand what a friend might be going through.

Divorce Sites for

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Online Assessment Tools – Do You Think You Might Have a Problem?

otools.jpgHere is a list of links to various online assessment tools that might be valuable for those interested in learning where they might score in areas that can frequently impact a marriage. Originally, I just intended to post an online depression assessment tool since many people going through a divorce suffer from some degree of depression. But once I started on the project, as you can see, the list kept growing. Here they all are:

Additionally, if these assessment tools are not what you are looking for, consider checking out my previous post, “Divorce Calculator – We have an App for That.” Economist, Betsey Stevenson, from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in Philadelphia, developed the calculator based upon a recent study which has shown that the … Read More... “Online Assessment Tools – Do You Think You Might Have a Problem?”

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