Overview of Adoption in Ohio

Overview of Adoption in Ohio

Looking to adopt- a guide forward

adoptionMany hope to adopt and start down the path only to realize the process is much more time-consuming and confusing than they imagined. There are a couple of way to best prepare: seeking out both your state and county processes, becoming knowledgeable about the routes of adoption available, and the advice of a legal professional.

Anyone who hopes to adopt, regardless if it is domestically or internationally, must complete a six-month at-home study to determine suitability. The particular home study requirements vary due to county, but a majority include interviews, health and financial records, home visits, and adoption education.

Beyond initial studies, consent to adoption  is also needed in many situations. Consent may be granted 72 hours after birth if the at-home assessment is complete, if it is not it can be given 72 hours after completion. If a child is over the age of 12, they must consent to the adoption as well. Consent becomes irrevocable, unless there is evidence of fraud or misrepresentation, either when the birth parents relinquish their rights to an agency or after the court has entered a final decree when an adoption is headed by an attorney.… Read More... “Overview of Adoption in Ohio”