Reflections About My Impending Retirement From The Practice of Law…

FROM EVERYONE AT HOLZFASTER, CECIL, McKNIGHT & MUES: Anne, throughout your legal practice you have always exemplified the highest standard of competence, professional and civility in in your dealings with clients, staff, Courts and other lawyers. We will ALL miss you as will the entire domestic relations bar! Please stay in touch as you transition into retirement!

anne shale retirementTo become organized and prepared to write this Ohio Family Blog Article, I spent some time reflecting upon my entire life and determined it would be more clear to the reader if I described the four (4) stages of my life. They are as follows:

Stage 1 – Growing Up and Being a Student:  The first stage of my life encompassed the ages of birth through graduation from college in 1967. I was a student during most years of Stage 1. I was very fortunate to be raised by an intact family. My parents loved and adored one another and they loved and cherished the four (4) of us. As a practicing attorney who specializes in domestic relations law, I can appreciate the gift that I was given by being raised in a loving and intact family.

Stage 2 – Getting Married, Read More... “Reflections About My Impending Retirement From The Practice of Law…”