Have You Recently Relocated From Another State? Make Sure to Have Your Estate Planning Documents Reviewed

estate planning documents health care another state

Are My Estate Planning Documents Still Effective If I Move To Another State?

estate planning documents health care another stateHave you recently moved from another state or are you planning a move? One of the first things you should ask yourself is “Are my estate planning documents still valid and effective?” The first question can be answered more simply that the second question.

If you move to another state, technically if a will or trust were legally valid in the state in which they were executed, they should still be legally valid. Most state have laws that specifically state that a will is legally valid if it was legally valid in another state in which it was executed. A trust validly executed in one state should not be questioned in another state. What is controlled by those documents may differ though. Community property state and non-community states may treat what each of you and your spouse own differently. Also, states may differ in what a surviving spouse is entitled to by law and what a surviving spouse’s rights are by law regardless of one’s estate planning documents.

Power of attorney documents are even more questionable. Here in Ohio, a general durable power of attorney … Read More... “Have You Recently Relocated From Another State? Make Sure to Have Your Estate Planning Documents Reviewed”