Grandparents Adopting Grandchildren: The Darlings Are in the Details

grandparents adoption grandchildren

Can Grandparents Have Legal Adoption Rights Over Their Grandchildren?

Grandchildren Adoption Not Always Automatic. Grandparents Not Always First Choice; Best Interest Of The Child Is Also Considered!

grandparents adoption grandchildren

Deciding to adopt a child into a family is a serious undertaking, one that hopefully will bring great happiness for many years. While adoption laws vary from state to state, the process is always a lengthy one, with the applicant needing to meet many detailed requirements before being qualified to adopt. Among them are:

  1. Providing a thorough family and social history;
  2. Being physically and mentally healthy;
  3. Demonstrating financial stability;
  4. Showing moral integrity, with no significant criminal background history;
  5. Demonstrating other factors that the state or agency believe are relevant to the adoption.

At an increased pace, grandparents are petitioning courts to adopt their own grandchildren. This is occurring as result of the incarceration of one or both parents, substance abuse issues the parent(s) are dealing with, or as a consequence of domestic violence, etc. In fact, more than 2.6 million children are living with grandparents, relatives, or close family friends without either of their parents in the home.

Approximately 7.6 million children live in households headed by a grandparent or other … Read More... “Grandparents Adopting Grandchildren: The Darlings Are in the Details”

Grandparent Custody Issues From a Lawyer’s Viewpoint

grandparents custody

Grandparents Custody In Ohio

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Tomorrow is National Grandparents Day. While perhaps it is not a well recognized day, it should be. Grandparents are raising more and more children every year. In addition, the importance of their role in our society can not be overstated. This article posted on the Ohio Family Law Blog 10 years ago by Anne Shale, still serves as an excellent primer about grandparent custody in Ohio. In honor of all the grandparents out there, I want to say “thank you” for all your efforts, sacrafices and the love that you share!”

Grandparents Gaining “Custody” of Their Grandchildren: Why? How? Where?

grandparents custodyIn an ideal world, children should be reared by a loving and caring two-parent family, having both a Father and a Mother, with plenty of caring relatives to assist with parenting activities during times of stress, need, or illness. Today, we are seeing more and more Grandparents taking on the responsibility of primary child-rearing of their Grandchild or Grandchildren. For the sake of brevity, this article is directed to Grandparents seeking “custody” of one Grandchild though they may, in fact, be seeking “custody” of several Grandchildren. Why are we seeing … Read More... “Grandparent Custody Issues From a Lawyer’s Viewpoint”

Grandparents Active with Their Grandkids May Live Longer According to This New Study!

Can Grandparents Live Longer Simply By Caring For Their Grandchildren? Study Says…

grandparents live longer studyGrandparents who help out with childcare or provide support to others in their community tend to live longer than seniors who do not care for other people, according to a study from Berlin, Germany. While having full-time custody of grandchildren can have a negative effect on health, occasional helping can be beneficial for seniors.

An international research team has found that grandparents who care for their grandchildren on average live longer than grandparents who do not. The researchers conducted survival analyses of over 500 people aged between 70 and 103 years, drawing on data from the Berlin Aging Study collected between 1990 and 2009.

In contrast to most previous studies on the topic, these researchers deliberately did not include grandparents who were primary or custodial caregivers. Instead, they compared grandparents who provided occasional childcare with grandparents who did not, as well as with older adults who did not have children or grandchildren but who provided care for others in their social network.

International Study Reveals Grandparents Who Care For Their Grandchildren On Average Live Longer Than Grandparents Who Do Not

“Having no contact with grandchildren at all can … Read More... “Grandparents Active with Their Grandkids May Live Longer According to This New Study!”