Palimony Not Recognized in Ohio

Palimony Not Recognized in Ohio – Resuming a Romantic Relationship is Insufficient to Establish a Contract


palimonyPalimony is a form of alimony awarded to one of the unmarried partners in a romantic relationship after the breakup of that relationship following a long period of living together. Unlike alimony which is typically provided for by law, palimony is not guaranteed to unmarried partners.  Generally, a palimony plaintiff must prove an underlying contractual basis for his/her claim, such as an express (written or oral) or implied contract.  My research shows that approximately 23 states have enforced a cohabitation agreement, either express or implied.

Palimony cases are determined in civil court as a contract matter, rather than in family court, as are divorce cases. The “palimony” phrase was coined by celebrity divorce attorney, Marvin Mitchelson, back in 1977 when his client Michelle Triola Marvin filed an unsuccessful suit against the actor Lee Marvin.  The two were not married.

Palimony: Ohio Supreme Court Rules on Ownership of Unmarried Couple’s Home

It is rarely a good idea for unmarried individuals to purchase property together as their joint residence. Should the relationship fail, issues inevitably arise, often leading to disputes.  Who will … Read More... “Palimony Not Recognized in Ohio”