What are Digital Assets and How Do They Impact My Divorce?

digital assets divorce

Dividing Digital Assets in Divorce – 50-50 Split?

digital assets divorceFifteen to twenty years ago, digital assets were not a topic of hot debate or even of casual conversation. Fast forward to modern day America and all of that has since changed. As a society, we have experienced a cultural shift that now encourages an increasing trend to move large portions of our lives online. For better or worse, online accounts, social media, and digital currency are here to stay. Seeking the advice of current and knowledgeable family law attorneys will help you navigate the challenges that all divorcing parties face when it comes time to divide their assets, digital or otherwise.

What are Digital Assets?

The term ‘digital assets’ is generally described as anything of value that can be stored or accessed online. More specifically, these include intangible assets that exist in a digital format covering a wide swath of categories.

First and widely recognized are online or “crypto” currencies. Examples such as Bitcoin, Ripple, Dogecoin, and more have entered popular jargon as increasing numbers of people accumulate and trade their funds online. Additionally, online reward programs draw high interest from vast numbers of Americans every day. Digital plans such as … Read More... “What are Digital Assets and How Do They Impact My Divorce?”

Blast From The Past: Divorce: Dividing Property, Assets & Debts in Ohio

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

Property Division: Dividing Property, Assets & Debts in Ohio

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: I thought this basic primer was worth posting once again especially now that we are at the start of “divorce season”. Division of debts and assets in a divorce is not always a simple or cookie cutter process.”

Property Division in Ohio Can Be Complicated In Marriage Breakup – Hire A Experienced Divorce Lawyer Early

property division divorceDepending upon the issues in a marriage breakup, dividing assets and debts is usually a preliminary topic of conversation.  This can be a complex and lengthy discussion depending upon the nature of the assets, length of the marriage, and title of the property. The first aspect of analyzing how the court may divide property pertains to whether or not the property was acquired before or after the date of marriage. If the property is separate pre-marital property, that property would remain the property of the initial owner and would not be subject to division.

In Ohio, property acquired during the term of the marriage is generally divided “equitably”.  While the courts in Ohio strive to create a fair property division, this may not always lead to a 50/50 equal distribution. But, … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Divorce: Dividing Property, Assets & Debts in Ohio”