7 Ways to Connect with Your Child

child connectHaving an amazing relationship with your child is the foundation for everything we want to accomplish as parents. Here’s how to make that happen.

  1. Be real. Great relationships are built upon honesty, caring, and communication. Be genuine with your child. Never say one thing when you mean another. Accept the reality that sometimes the truth may hurt. The uneasiness caused by honesty is better than the comfort resulting from deceit.
  2. Show interest. The way kids know that we care about them is when we show interest in their activities, thoughts and feelings. Solicit their opinions, but avoid questions that can be answered by a simple yes or no. Try beginning sentences with “what,” or “how.” Don’t barrage your child with questions. They will feel interrogated and tune out.
  3. Share information about yourself. Your goal is to build a relationship, not get into your child’s head. Conversations are a mutual sharing of ideas and feelings. This doesn’t mean a fifteen-minute lecture about the hardships you experienced as a child. Keep your comments brief, and respond to what’s of interest to your child.This will be uncomfortable at times. How do we handle personal questions about misdeeds, sexual activity, or drug use? Declining
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