Social Media: Is It Public Shaming?

How Facebook And Other Social Media Have Turned Private Family Matters Into Public Spectacles

social mediaSocial Media has reared its intrusive head since the early 2000’s. With the founding of MySpace in 2003, teenagers and young adults have connected beyond the letters snuck through classrooms, and the phone calls from landlines.  The early stages of MySpace allowed individuals to edit, create, and develop their page to fit their interests, often showing the personality types of the users, and allowing them to connect and interact with other students or friends.  The path that social media has taken since those “good ole days” has shifted into a realm of confusion… Facebook, YouTube, GooglePlus, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Photobucket, Pintrest, MyLife, and many more roam the internet fiendishly adding users every day.

This evolvement has spun the norms of social media into a whirlwind where instead of just students and young adults connecting, your worst fears of your parents, employers, pastor, community members, friends’ parents, and even pets have somehow worked their way into the picture.  No longer must you worry about your parents discovering your notes in the pocket of your favorite jeans while doing laundry, but you must now worry about your entire … Read More... “Social Media: Is It Public Shaming?”