A Review of the Book, Unliving the Dream

Review Unliving the Dream

Below is my review of the book Unliving the Dream by Sandra Vischer. These five (5) are the major characters or “players” in this fictional life story.

  • Alex: The Wife/Mother and author of the book. She has been married for twenty-plus years before the “story” unfolds before her eyes. She believes that she has a very happy and loving marriage.
  • James: The Husband/Father of the story. He is the one who initiates the break-up of the marriage and family.
  • Mara: The “other woman” who just happens to be a friend of Alex and an employee of the family firm.
  • Lily: The daughter of Alex and James.
  • Jack: The son of Alex and James.

When the book commences, Alex and James are at a hotel in Victoria, Canada. Alex senses that something is amiss with their relationship and marriage of twenty-plus (20) years and keeps asking James questions about what is wrong and what is happening to their relationship. He finally blurts out these words: “There is someone I would like to start seeing. I just need a little break. I want to see what it feels like to live on my own”. The words are devastating to Alex and she, … Read More... “A Review of the Book, Unliving the Dream”

REVIEW OF RUNAWAY HUSBANDS – The Abandoned Wife’s Guide to Recovery and Renewal Written by Vikki Stark

runaway husbands abandoned wifeThe author of the book, Vikki Stark, graphically describes her feelings and emotions as her Husband tells her “it’s over”, i.e. “the marriage is over”, after she had returned from a book tour about her most recent book, My Sister, Myself, in 2006. At the time, the author had a twenty-one (21) year marriage, which she thought was a successful one. She felt loved and blessed to have a happy and fulfilling marriage. She was shocked to learn that her Husband had been engaged in a six (6) year extra-marital relationship. He was leaving her for the “other woman”! She did not know that the “other woman” existed!

Vikki Stark is a marriage counselor and family therapist. She immediately commenced a project of interviewing over four hundred persons (in person and by internet interview) to collect information about the phenomenon that she labels “Wife Abandonment Syndrome”, aka “WAS”. The definition of Wife Abandonment Syndrome is as follows: “a pattern of behavior that begins when a Husband leaves his Wife “out-of-the-blue” without ever telling her that he was unhappy or thinking of leaving.” Ms. Stark used the information that she was provided during the interviews to write her most interesting book.… Read More... “REVIEW OF RUNAWAY HUSBANDS – The Abandoned Wife’s Guide to Recovery and Renewal Written by Vikki Stark”