Protect Your Credit Score if You are Going Through a Divorce!

protect credit score divoce

Your Credit Score Could Drop During Divorce

protect credit score divorceIf you are going through a divorce, most likely there are lots of things on your to do list, and lots of details to attend to. One of which is, protect your credit score. According to a 2019 survey conducted by with, 38% of respondents saw their credit score drop by more than 50 points after separating from their partner. If you are going from a 2 income house to a one income, yours, your financial situation could change quite a bit.

The first thing you want to do is to run your credit report. You may not like what you see, but it is not one of those things you want to ignore. Hiding your “head in the sand” and ignoring what is there won ‘t help matters. By running your credit report you will find out what your credit score is. You can run it by going to this website. or call this number to request it. (1-877322-8228)

In addition to getting your score, you can also see all of your accounts. It will list when each account was opened, and if they are still open. … Read More... “Protect Your Credit Score if You are Going Through a Divorce!”