Computer Cybercrime Legislation: Spillover Tendencies

How Computer Cyber Security Laws Can Impact Family Disputes Differently From State To State

computerWith the recent buzz surrounding computer cyber communications and email hacking, one should be informed on the general principles and laws of their state.   These laws have come about due to the recent explosion in email hacking, bank hacking, and corporate espionage that have plagued the telecommunication industry in recent years.  An attempt to curb these crimes has led to adoption and passing of harsh penalties that accompany the acts.

The harsh penalties that accompany these laws have the capability to cause “collateral damage.”  That is, damage to individuals whom the laws are not meant to injure.  These cases, such as the ongoing case in Michigan, often involve family disputes.  Let’s take a look…

Walker v. Walker

Facts to understand:  Leon Walker began to suspect his wife of cheating on him.  Acting on this suspicion, he accessed his wife’s email without first obtaining her consent to see if his suspicions were warranted.  He states that he accessed these emails because he was worried that his wife’s ex-husband (whom he believed was the man having the affair with her) was abusive towards her in front of … Read More... “Computer Cybercrime Legislation: Spillover Tendencies”