Six Divorce Myths Busted!

divorce myths shared parenting

Divorce Myths: Don’t Fall For Inaccurate Information. Be Proactive, Consult With An Experienced Family Law Attorney

divorce shared parenting

There are a ton of myths and misconceptions surrounding obtaining a divorce. Having practiced family law work for 40+ years, I thought I would try to provide some accurate information and perhaps shatter some of the falsehoods.

Myth #1: Mothers Always Get Custody

Many years ago, this may have been true. But that is not the case now. There is a national trend towards equalizing parenting time as much as possible between the parties. Facts really matter in determining custody! In Ohio, the core principle of determining custody/shared parenting comes down to determining the “best interests” of the children. A lot of fathers get custody and/or equal parenting time under a shared parenting plan.

Myth #2: Only Women Get Spousal Support (Alimony)

This was never really the case. Sure, in the past men were the predominant “bread winners”. Many women earn more money than their husband. There are many factors the Court considers when determining spousal support. The alimony statute in Ohio is gender blind. Gross income plays a large role in that determination. But if the husband is the “financially disadvantaged … Read More... “Six Divorce Myths Busted!”