Can I Demand Proof Where my Ex Spends the Child Support I Pay?

child support payments expenses

Can A Parent Request Accounting Of The Child Support Expenses?

child support payments expenses

This is a frequent question that I hear as a Dayton, Ohio, divorce lawyer. In Ohio, the short answer is “no” as long as the child’s basic needs are being taken care of. There are a few states (such as Washington) which allow for a parent to request an accounting of the child support expenditures.

In most states there is a common misconception that child support must be spent on things that ONLY benefit the child only. In Ohio, child support may be used to pay for a very broad range of expenses including:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Mortgage/rent of the home where the child lives
  • Utility bills, internet, cell phones
  • Medical expenses
  • Transportation and vehicle costs (including gas, auto insurance and car repairs)
  • Childcare/babysitters/camp costs/sports/extracurricular activities
  • School fees and supplies
  • Entertainment for the child
  • Any miscellaneous expenses that contribute to the general welfare of the child.

Does the Custodial Parent need to Account for the Support Money?

This is a corollary question to the one above. The general answer in Ohio is “no”.  Nonetheless, if this issue is raised, it would be prudent to look back over the past month or … Read More... “Can I Demand Proof Where my Ex Spends the Child Support I Pay?”