Beware of the “Grandparent Scam” Hitting in Our Community!

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Half a million American seniors were victims of fraud due to a Grandparent Scam

grandparent scamThe “Grandparent Scam” is not something new, however lately it has been getting a lot of media coverage both nationally and locally. Montgomery County Sheriff, Rob Streck recently commented on the increase of scam reportings by the elderly. In a recent interview Streck expressed the need for the community to be very cautious and aware of these scams targeted towards the elderly. “The emotional manipulation involved in these scams is truly troubling. We urge residents to be vigilant and verify the authenticity of such calls before taking any action and to report any suspicious activity to local law enforcement.” According to the Federal Trade Commission, “In 2022, nearly half a million American seniors were victims of fraud, losing $1,000-$1,800 on average”.

What exactly is the Grandparent Scam?

Typically, an elderly person is contacted, usually by phone, by a scammer posing as a grandchild in danger. They will try to convince the victim that they are in great danger and that they need their help in the way of money. Some of the common emergencies are that they were arrested and will be going to … Read More... “Beware of the “Grandparent Scam” Hitting in Our Community!”