10 Happy-Life, Motivational Quotes To Help You Move On After Divorce

happy life divorce motivational quotes

Sources of Encouragement: Happy life, motivational quotes that can Empower your Heart and Mind.

happy life divorce motivational quotesEvery now and then, when you’re down in the trenches of ugly emotions, a good dose of happy-life, motivational quotes is in order. Sure, it can seem a little sappy. But there’s good reason these positive musings still make the rounds.

So, if you’re facing the long road ahead after a divorce>, take a little encouragement from these wordsmiths.

Here are 10 happy life, motivational quotes to help you move on with a positive outlook after divorce:

  1. It always gets worse before it can get better. But it will get better. Like everything else, and like our past struggles, at some point we win, but before that win, there’s always that loss that spurs us on.

    – Dolores Huerta

    What a beautiful, pensive place to start. A reality check coupled with an assurance of hope. Surely the intensity of pain, grief, and adjustment can be managed when there is light beckoning you to the other side of loss. You can, of course, focus on the loss. Or you can focus on the hope and use the energy of the loss to propel you forward.

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