The Importance of Hiring the Right Divorce Attorney

divorce lawyer hiring

Follow These Tips To Hire The Right Divorce Lawyer For You!

divorce lawyer hiringHiring the “right” divorce lawyer  for you is critically important. I have written about it several times on this blog over the years. Not a whole lot has changed since my first series of Articles in December 2007 and January 2008. Click here to read the version I merged and reposted on March 3, 2018.

What has changed I believe is the increasing number of cases where parties hire and fire several lawyers who have represent them. I have one case going now where the wife is on her fourth lawyer and the case is over 2 years old. I also have several others where I am the second lawyer involved. So, I have spent some time recently reflecting upon this seemingly “new” dynamic. Obviously, each case has its own fact pattern to support the change in counsel, but it reinforces my opinion even more about the importance of dhiring the “right” lawyer at the start of your divorce representation.

Consequences of Not Hiring the “Right” Divorce Lawyer Initially

  1. Communication Styles Don’t Mesh

    A typical divorce can routinely take easily 6 to 9 months to complete. Ones with

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