Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHERS NOTE: With a new year upon us, it is always good to set an attainable New Year’s resolution.  With that in mind, we look back on an Estate Planning blog article from January 5, 2019.  According to a survey, only 42 percent of adults have even a simple will, and for those with minor children, the statistic is even worse-only 36 percent.  Estate Plans should also be reviewed occasionally to determine if updates are needed. Don’t put it off any longer.  For the sake of your loved ones, put an effective estate plan in place.

A Simple Will Will Provide You With Benefits Many Years Down The Road

estate planning simple will new years resolutionIt’s that time of year when best intentions are set forth and New Year’s resolutions are made.  However, according to U.S. News and World Report, by February over eighty percent of those resolutions have been broken.  For many, it is time to make a very important resolution that is easy to keep and will provide benefits for years to come.  Make a will.

Many of us have heard or read lately of some of the celebrities who have died with large estates and no estate planning, creating headaches … Read More... “Blast From The Past: NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION: MAKE A WILL”